Teresa Garza-Dimas

Garza-Dimas, Teresa
标题: Program Coordinator Personal Fitness Trainer | Kinesiology
部门: 电脑及相关知识. Sci.,科技. & 业务
办公室: HH 201
电话: 210-486-4087 Ext: 64087

About Teresa Garza-Dimas

研究所:  健康 & 生物科学


M.A. | Education Specialization in Kinesiology|University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥

B.S. | Kinesiology|University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥


Personal Fittness or Kinesiology students.


Has worked in the Kinesiology Department since 2001, involvement in the Fitness Industry since 2000, and Coordinator of the Personal Fitness Trainer Program.


Teri has been involved in the Fitness Industry since 2000. She has worked for NVC in the Kinesiology Department since 2001, and has been involved in the Personal Fitness Trainer Program since it began in 2013. She has been advising student in both field's of study, and aims to ensure students develop the skills necessary to become successful.